We are all very excited to announce the next edition of the Sinterklaas Tournament will be held 23 November 2024. You can register your team here.

As a captain you need to register as a full team (6-10 players). For this year, the costs are 55 euro per person, this includes the tournament, lunch and the party. Based upon feedback from the last few years we will not offer an organised dinner, so you can decide yourself what best fits you. For those still wanting a group dinner, we are looking at options close to the party venue. We will communicate these options closer to the tournament date.

The theme of this year is 7Sins. Think of a fun name, and dress accordingly for the party.

Where do I register? When will it close?
You can use this form to register. We have a max capacity, so when that is reached we will close the form. Usually the tournament is full, so be quick!

What classes are we playing?
During the registration you need to give a first and second choice for level A, level B-, LevelB+ or Level C. We try to place everybody according to their preferred choice, but based upon halls, we might ask you to change.
How can I register an additional player to my existing team?
Please email us netzo.sinterklaastoernooi[at]gmail.com and we will provide you with a separate link to register.

Can I sign up as an individual player?
We strongly encourage you to find a team. If you really did not succeed, please send an email to netzo.sinterklaastoernooi[at]gmail.com and we will see what we can do.

Will there be a FLINTA competition?
Everybody is welcome, but due to the very successful Eulevoto Tournament this spring, the FLINTA group of Netzo has decided to not host a specific competition at the Sinterklaas Tournament. All teams can register and play against each other.

How much does it cost?
For this year, the costs are 55 euro per person, this includes the tournament, lunch and the party.

Will there be an organised dinner?
Based upon feedback from the last few years we will not offer an organised dinner, so you can decide yourself what best fits you. For those still wanting a group dinner, we are looking at options close to the party venue. We will communicate these options closer to the tournament date.

Where will the tournament take place?
Depending on the amount of player signed up, at which level and final availability from the local government (which we will hear end of september) we will divide all players over the following two halls:

Sportcentrum De Pijp
Lizzy Ansinghstraat 88
1072 RD Amsterdam

Sporthallen Zuid
Burgerweeshuispad 54
1076 EP Amsterdam

What about hosted housing?
With hosted housing we can see if Amsterdam based players are able to offer people a bed during the tournament. As part of the registration form we ask if you are interested in hosted housing. We will contact you closer to the event to bring in contact both parties.

Where will the party be?
This will be announced soon!

Can I buy a separate ticket for the party?
Yes, people joining the tournament can buy extra tickets later and will cost 20 euro. Your captain will receive an email with the link to buy the ticket.